Protecting Your Vehicle

basketball hoop falling on car and breaking the windshield.

Protecting Your Vehicle

Keeping your car in the best condition possible will help it last longer and look better. Magic Glass endeavors to always return your automobile to you in better condition than when you brought it in. However, you might accidentally damage your car’s paint or glass without a bit of pre-planning. Here are some of the more common activities that can result in scratches to your auto’s surfaces.


Ugh! Game’s over when a mishap like this occurs. Keep your car parked out of harm’s way!


Washing  Sometimes stubborn deposits such as bugs and sap can leave you frustrated, but you have to be careful with what you use to remove them.  Using a hard-bristled sponge or any type of scraper on your paint could cause unsightly scratches. Be sure to use a gentle cleanser when you scrub and dry your automobile with a microfiber cloth instead of an old towel that may have dirt particles embedded in it.

Visiting Parks and Forests Visiting the park or forest means three things: trees, animals, and people.  Not only do tree leaves and pine cones dirty your car, they might cause small scratches that get worse with age. Bird and insect droppings contain erosive chemicals that can damage your car’s paint. Prevent these problems with a good wax, which will also help you remove dirt easily. Of course, if you are unlucky enough that a pine cone breaks your windshield, Magic Glass is at your service!  

Fishing While you know that moving large objects can accidentally scrape your car,  especially around doors and the trunk, it only takes a second to cause serious damage. There are quite a few materials associated with fishing that you’ll need to transport, but long, hard-to-manage fishing poles are notorious for scratching car paint. Always break down your fishing poles and take your time stowing them away properly before transport.

Mowing your lawn Unless you have a bag attached to your lawnmower, this is one of the most dangerous activities to perform while your car is in the driveway.  Mowing your lawn kicks up rocks, sticks, and bits of concrete that can fly out and damage the paint on your vehicle.  Be sure to move your car into the  garage or down the street before mowing or using a weed whacker.

Moving Move your car before you start moving boxes anywhere near it. As you become more tired, you’ll be less careful and less steady on your feet. Moving boxes can scrape your car, and hard objects can make dents and deep scratches that will require costly repairs.

Playing Ball Move your car before the kids start their basketball or baseball game in the driveway or street. The impact of a falling ball can make a serious dent in the roof or hood, or your window glass can break. While we are experts at automobile glass replacement and we are here for you if you have a broken windshield or a rock chip, no one wants to pay for damage caused by mere fun outside.



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